Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Photography Exhbit at H-Gallery, July 18th

Today is the big day! If you are in the Houston area, please come out and see my first ever photography show at H-Gallery! I have been exhibiting my work there since August of 2008, but for the first time you get to experience a whole room of my work, "Cityscapes", from Berlin, Budapest and Vienna. I will also have several matted prints on hand to sell. Joining me in the exhibit is my wonderful friend Mark Roden, whose images of Galveston before and after the storm are quite breathtaking. We will have wine and refreshments, and a few of Houston's amazing DJ's, Limb, Kalliste and Nareme. Come!


327 19th Street

Houston, TX 77008


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Beatrice & Dru's Wedding

Beatrice and Dru did something that is a rarity in today's wedding world in holding their special ceremony on a Monday evening! It was held at gorgeous Ashton Gardens in Spring, which is an amazing venue if you are looking for one outside the loop. They waited until sunset (9:00pm in the summer!) for their candlelight ceremony to get underway. The intimate circle of friends and family then celebrated the newlyweds with a champagne toast. If you are looking for a beautiful but affordable option for your wedding, I highly recommend this location!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Elly & Joel's Wedding

Last month I had the most wonderful pleasure of shooting lovely lady Elly's wedding in Austin. The venue was perfect for my style of shooting, complete with vibrant colors and funky angles. Couple this with amazing people in an intimate setting, it was a super fun and rewarding experience!




Thursday, April 16, 2009

Robbin & Foy Wedding

So I've fallen off the blogging bandwagon for an entire month given my ridiculous schedule, so for that you must please forgive me! But during this time I've occupied myself with some fantastic photo opportunities, including my dear colleague Foy's wedding! I hope you enjoy..

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mark Roden Photo Shoot

My good friend Mark Roden was in need of some promo shots for his photography business. He happened to be in luck last sunday, as I was borrowing an amazing Canon L series lens from Paul, a fellow photographer and creative genius. The combination of this amazing piece of glass, in concert with unique and colorful locations on the most gorgeous day I have ever spent in Houston produced a rather successful shoot for Mr. Roden.
Check it out:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Laura Ann & Kevin

Though only attending their wedding as a guest, by request of the lovely bride I of course brought my camera along to capture a few snapshots of their beautiful day! It was a perfect Austin evening for their ceremony at First United Methodist and then reception at the Austin Club. To the couple whose perfect parking spot we snagged for prime access....please accept our apologies!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Elly & Joel

I had the lovely pleasure of meeting up with Elly & Joel in their adorable Austin, TX home! The colors inside were not only absolutely vibrant, they were enhanced by the warm Texas sun filtering in the windows. We are so exciting for their eclectic wedding coming up this May!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Heather & Byron

Heather and Byron were gracious enough to join Marcus and I in a fabulous day of Taco's A Go-Go and photos! What a great combination. We had so much fun together, and their shots came out great! Thanks you two!

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

So how does Houston inaugurate??

So first Washington D.C. sends Houston a merry little windchill in the forties, then Houston's famous delicious establishment closes in honor of the Inauguration...what's next?! :)
This made me so happy!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Winter in Old Town Alexandria, VA

As this week of reminiscing about my former life in DC continues, the frigid temperatures remind me of my first Mid-Atlantic snowfall during that cold January month. Despite the cold, I grabbed my camera and gloves and made the trek through the icy streets to capture these images that mark some of my night photography that actually turned out well despite the weather!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day!

And isn't it a great one?! The energy in DC today is thrilling and contagious....even through my tv screen! In honor of this momentous occasion, I am posting some of my favorite snapshots from my year in the District.


*Courtesy of my dear friend Pete. Farewell W! Change is here.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Holidays!

This Christmas, I had the pleasure of shooting two of the most adorable little girls! Mollie and Macie are quite likely the most animated and photogenic sisters I have ever met, and trust me, ten years ago this girl cornered the market on babysitting so I've played with plenty! I'm looking forward to spending many more holidays with these lovelies in the future :)